Economics Private and Public Choice, 14th Edition David A. Macpherson test bank
Table of Content
1. The Economic Approach
2. Some Tools of the Economist
3. Supply, Demand, and the Market Process
4. Supply and Demand: Applications and Extensions
5. Difficult Cases for the Market, and the Role of Government
6. The Economics of Collective Decision-Making
7. Taking the Nation’s Economic Pulse
8. Economic Fluctuations, Unemployment, and Infl ation
9. An Introduction to Basic Macroeconomic Markets
10. Dynamic Change, Economic Fluctuations, and the AD–AS Model
11. Fiscal Policy: The Keynesian View and Historical Perspective
12. Fiscal Policy, Incentives, and Secondary Effects
13. Money and the Banking System
14. Modern Macroeconomics and Monetary Policy
15. Stabilization Policy, Output, and Employment
16. Creating an Environment for Growth and Prosperity
17. Institutions, Policies, and Cross-Country Differences in Income and Growth
18. Gaining from International Trade
19. International Finance and the Foreign Exchange Market
20. Consumer Choice and Elasticity
21. Costs and the Supply of Goods
22. Price Takers and the Competitive Process
23. Price-Searcher Markets with Low Entry Barriers
24. Price-Searcher Markets with High Entry Barriers
25. The Supply of and Demand for Productive Resources
26. Earnings, Productivity, and the Job Market
27. Investment, the Capital Market, and the Wealth of Nations
28. Income Inequality and Poverty
Special Topic 1: Government Spending and Taxation
Special Topic 2: The Economics of Social Security
Special Topic 3: The Stock Market: Its Function, Performance, and Potential as an Investment Opportunity
Special Topic 4: Great Debates in Economics: Keynes versus Hayek
Special Topic 5: The Crisis of 2008: Causes and Lessons for the Future
Special Topic 6: Lessons from the Great Depression
Special Topic 7: Lessons from Japan and Canada
Special Topic 8: The Federal Budget and the National Debt
Special Topic 9: The Economics of Health Care
Special Topic 10: Education: Problems and Performance
Special Topic 11: Earnings Differences Between Men and Women
Special Topic 12: Do Labor Unions Increase the Wages of Workers?
Special Topic 13: The Question of Resource Exhaustion
Special Topic 14: Difficult Environmental Cases and the Role of Government