
Test Bank for Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 14E Michael T. Madigan

Test Bank for Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 14E Michael T. Madigan
Brand: Test Bank
Product Code: 554
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Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 14E by Michael T. Madigan test bank

Table of Content

1. Microorganisms and Microbiology
2. Microbial Cell Structure and Function       
3. Nutrition, Culture, and Metabolism
4. Molecular Microbiology
5. Microbial Growth and Growth Control
6. Microbial Genomics
7. Metabolic Regulation
8. Genetics of Bacteria and Archaea
9. Viruses and Virology
10. Genomics and Phylogeny of Viruses
11. Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology 
12. Metabolic Diversity of Bacteria and Archaea
13. Microbial Evolution and Systematics
14. Phylogenetic Diversity of Bacteria
15. Functional and Ecological Diversity of Bacteria
16. Diversity of Archaea
17. Diversity of Microbial Eukarya
18. Tools of the Microbial Ecologist  
19. Microbial Ecosystems 
20. Nutrient Cycles in Nature
21. Microbiology of the Built Environment
22. Microbial Symbioses
23. Microbial Interactions with Humans
24. Principles of Immunology and Host Defense
25. Immune Mechanisms
26. Molecular Immunology
27. Clinical Microbiology and Immunology
28. Epidemiology
29. Person-to-Person Bacterial and Viral Diseases
30. Vectorborne and Soilborne Bacterial and Viral Diseases             
31. Common Source Diseases: Food and Water
32. Fungal and Parasitic Diseases

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